
Black Lives Matter Protests Calgary 2020


Calgarians took to the streets for the third time to protest police brutality in a Black Lives Matter protest all around downtown Calgary, after the death of George Floyd, in Calgary on Wednesday, June 3, 2020.

Black Lives Matter Vigil Calgary 2020

Gathering in Olympic Plaza Calgarians come together for a vigil to talk about the people who have lost their lives to discrimination and police brutality in Calgary on Saturday, June 6, 2020. With speakers of the event discussing their own experience and pain, as well as the families of the ones who have died.

Fridays for Future Protest Calgary 2020

Calgarians gather to protest Climate Change for Fridays for Future, with speakers talking about the changes that they wish to see from the government in Calgary on Friday, Sept. 25, 2020.


Protesters moved from City Hall to McDougall Centre chanting for climate change, ending the protest with a display of silence for all of the creatures and forestry that have been lost to global warming.


Solidarity March For MikMaki and Land Defenders

Idle No More Calgary group hosted a Solidarity march for MikMaki and land defenders due to the police brutality and missing indigenous people, in Calgary on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2020. They are standing together to bring to the attention of the fisheries in Nova Scotia, and to speak out about the indigenous rights that they have been, and will continue to fight for.



